Thursday, December 6, 2018

Some Universalglot suffixes

One difficulty of language-learning is the sheer number of words to be learned. For example, if you are talking about horses, you may also need the words for 'mare,' 'foal,' and 'filly.' But those words don't look anything like the word 'horse!'

In Universalglot, as in Esperanto, the regular use of suffixes helps. Here is how we talk about horses in Universalglot.

kaval = horse (generic), or stallion.
kavalin = mare, female horse.
kavaliet = foal, or colt (male foal).
kavalietin = filly, female foal.

These suffixes can be used with anything that can be male or female! Human or animal. Some examples:

man = man, male human being or generic human
manin = woman, female human being
maniet = boy, young male human
manietin girl, young female human.

kats = cat, tomcat
katsin = female cat
katsiet = kitten, male kitten
katsietin = female kitten

hund = dog, male dog
hundin = female dog, bitch
hundiet = puppy, male puppy
hundietin = female puppy

kamel = camel, male camel
kamelin = female camel
kameliet = baby camel, male baby camel
kamelietin = female baby camel

bov = bull, male bovine animal
bovin = cow, female bovine animal
boviet = calf, male calf
bovietin = female calf

These words can be used with any word in Universalglot that refers to an animal or human. If you learn the generic word for any animal/human, you can also work out the names for the female, and for the young of both sexes.

Learn the words and suffixes given in this lesson. Using the words in other lessons on this blog, make simple sentences using your new words. Write down the new words--- and perhaps your sentences--- in a notebook dedicated to Universalglot.